Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013
1. Maria’s musings: ‘Staycation’ with her 4 children over the weekend. Stanford University School of Medicine researchers found that women’s brains show greater activity in response to humor than men’s do which could suggest that selecting a mate may be based on how well a woman find’s her partner’s jokes and overall sense of humor. Maria married 2 funny men, perhaps there is some truth to this, at least for her? New app, the BreakUp Text app now available so you don’t have to do the text yourself! Maria’s had that experience too. Bad credit can be a deal breaker when it comes to finding love according to a survey from – about 30% of women and 20% of men say they won’t marry a person with a low credit score. New dating site, for that reason. 

2. Pope Francis flying back to Rome from Brazil took questions from reporters aboard the plane this morning and addressed nearly every hot-button issue facing the Roman Catholic Church. A woman who successfully petitioned to have women displayed on British banknotes received a barrage of rape and death threats on Twitter over the weekend. The drive of a Spanish high-speed train that derailed was charged with 79 counts of homicide last night. 

3. Our Community House of Hope’s Executive Director, Ann Sobel visits with Maria about this replicable concept that is a reality in Ventura County. They serve those at end of life (2 months or less) with 24 hour caregivers especially trained in death and dying issues.

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