Show Topics: Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013
1. Cleveland man accused of abduction, Ariel Castro was arraigned this morning on $8 million bail. Good Samaritan Charles Ramsey is a convicted felon. Jodi Arias jury to begin the aggravation phase to decide life or death. Boston Bomber suspect’s body laid to rest in an undisclosed location. After 17 years the cicadas are due to emerge. 

2. Reed Berry discusses distracted driving from the and

3. San Francisco surrenders in fight over cell phone warnings. FCC considers a reassessment of safe radiation exposure limits that are 17 years old! 

4. John White of the Sylvia White Gallery discusses a performance artist event Friday, May 10 @ 8pm. The public is invited to the 5x5x5(x5) event.

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