Abused, attempted suicide at 4 and 6 years of age, abandoned, orphaned, bullied, and severely medicated by the age of 7, Wesley Chapman’s life appeared to be without redemption. Please join Maria as she explores Wesley’s adverse and hostile beginnings and how the love of his biological grandmother helped him to become the success he is today. A truly inspirational story, one you don’t want to miss.
Thursday, January 16th, 2014 – Wesley Chapman
Monday, January 13th, 2014 – Dr. Michael Applebaum – Medical Correspondent
A New Year, a new you? Please join Maria as she visits with her Chief Medical Correspondent, Dr. Michael Applebaum (a physician and an attorney) as he shares his simple 3-step approach to making any of your resolutions achievable. Dr. Applebaum is in the photo on the left!
Click here for fitness information
Click here for Dr. Applebaum’s site
Thursday, January 9th, 2014 – Genital Integrity
Intactivism involves activists who are passionate about protecting genital integrity for both newborn boys and girls. Harvard Law School graduate, J. Steven Svoboda joins Maria to talk about the history of circumcision and the work that the organization which he founded in 1997, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, has accomplished. Complete with a summation of the major breakthroughs that were experienced in 2013 for the movement towards worldwide genital integrity.
Click here for Steven’s website.
Tuesday, January 7th, 2014 – A Call to Ban Fracking in CA
Join Maria as she participates in a press call from this morning which announced the delivery of a letter written by Assembly Member Marc Levine (D-San Rafael) and signed by 8 state legislators urging governor Jerry Brown to impose a moratorium on fracking. Also participating in the call is Zack Malitz, Campaign Manager at CREDO (a national progressive organization that has been working to ban fracking in CA) and Dr. Robert W. Howarth, Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology at Cornell University.
Monday, December 30th, 2013 – Understanding Women
Understanding Women in Five Simple Steps is the topic with Maria’s guest on today’s podcast! As if we women were that easy to decipher but somehow our guest, Beate Chelette cuts through the noise and shares just how easy it can be. She is the creator and owner of The Women’s Code and sold her company to Bill Gates. Quite the inspirational story as well as some very practical advice for both women and
Click the player below to listen to the podcast.