Category Archives: Topics

These posts describe details about the content of Maria’s podcasts.

Sunday, July 6th, 2014

"0708_NWS_LDN-L-HOBBYLOBBY-MB"On Monday, June 30, 2014, the Supreme Court allowed an exception to Obamacare’s mandate that firms above a certain size offer their staff insurance that includes free contraception. 

The case, Burwell v Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc, was brought by two Christian families and their businesses.

Please join Maria as she visits with grass roots, political activist, Lauren Steiner who discusses a protest that will occur on Monday, July 7, 2014 at the Grand Opening of a Hobby Lobby in Burbank, CA.

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2014

You may be horrified to learn just how damaging high fructose corn syrup is and how insidious its placement is as an additive.  Please join Maria as she chats with “The Vitamin Professor” – Doug Ingoldsby in this terribly revealing discussion about the food industry.


Tuesday, July 1st, 2014 – Bob La Loggia

All featuresPlease join Maria as she visits with CEO, Bob La Loggia who created  Bob is an excellent example of having an idea and then executing it.  Bob also gives back to the entrepreneurial community by sharing his wisdom and expertise with other young startups.

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 – Sarah, The Tree & Her Road to Recovery


Please join Maria as she visits with a mother whose 17 year old daughter suffered a horrific tragedy eight weeks ago.  Mother Nature fell on her daughter as she was walking to high school.  Learn more about this story and what you can do to help this family recover and experience a miracle.


You can help Sarah by Clicking This Link to her Fund Me page!   Any donation you can make will get Sarah on the road to recovery.


Click the player button below to hear Sarah’s story…


Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 Mental Illness Awareness Month

NAMI Ventura CountyMay is Mental Illness Awareness month.  Please join Maria as she visits with Duane Bentzen.  Duane is the former President of the Ventura County affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), for the past three years and a member of the NAMI Board of Directors for four years.

Duane shares about the national organization, the local organization and his own personal story about his son who was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia in 2002.  It’s a story about fighting for treatment and in light of the weekend events in Isla Vista, it is a timely story of how mental illness and that fight for treatment is a critical piece in the quest to answer some unanswerable questions.

To listen to the podcast, click the player below: