Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014 – The Art of Knowing When to Let Go!

I apologize for the lack of programming recently.  Ordinarily we produce a new podcast most week days.  This has been an extraordinary time for my family as my youngest child, my only daughter, is moving to Australia and tonight is when she takes her flight to do so.

I have four children and I love them all dearly.  I’ve been blessed with four great kids who turned out exceptionally well.  Two have graduated from college and two are still getting their degrees but they are all contributing members of society and are on their own. 

Yes, I am an empty nester!  It took me several months to get over the realization that I didn’t have to get home at a certain time to start dinner, do homework, supervise baths and bedtime stories and prayers.  Initially the adjustment was very difficult as being a mother was a part of my identity.  Not it wasn’t a day in and a day out occurrence.

I have grown to love my freedom and the responsibility of just myself.  However, I have had the luxury of having all 4 of my children within an hour’s drive.  My daughter has never been father than 60 minutes from me. 

Now she’s moving to Australia!  It is with a heavy heart that I send her on her way to this next chapter and adventure.  I admire that she is taking this opportunity to explore a new world and to follow her heart.  I am distraught at the fact that we’ll not be able to see one another for months at a time but I certainly do wish her well.

I’m also traveling for an opportunity so our programming might be intermittent until after Father’s Day.  I’ll do better about updating and/or commenting on our site, even if we don’t provide you with a podcast.

Thank you for sharing the word and for your loyalties.  I am humbled! 

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