Voter Information Tool

Please use this tool to assist you if you don’t know where your polling place is and please feel free to share this other folks that may be in need of the information as well. Tomorrow is our General Election in the United States and it is imperative that if you are registered to vote, that you actually do vote!

Please read yesterday’s post about my feelings on this matter, I won’t be redundant here by repeating what I wrote yesterday. Suffice it to say, it is our responsibility as good citizens to elect those leaders who we believe will serve our best interest as well as the less fortunate and those that may be unable to speak for themselves.

I must say I am a big believer in teaching people how to fish instead of handing them fish but I also know that there are times when through no fault of our own, we find ourselves in need of assistance and that’s when those programs become essential and why they exist.
The hours that the polls are open do vary by state and time zone.

Time zone note: Arizona and Hawaii do not observe Daylight Savings Time (DST). Thirteen states have multiple time zones. Idaho and Oregon are split between the Mountain and Pacific time zones. Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas are divided between Central and Mountain time zones. Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee are split between Eastern and Central time zones. Alaska is divided between the Alaska time zone and the Hawaii-Aleutian time zone. Whew!

So please use our guide below or log on to your local county/clerk/recorder website for your community to fully understand where you will be going and at what time you are able to cast your ballot.


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