Category Archives: In The News

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014 Mental Illness Awareness Month

NAMI Ventura CountyMay is Mental Illness Awareness month.  Please join Maria as she visits with Duane Bentzen.  Duane is the former President of the Ventura County affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), for the past three years and a member of the NAMI Board of Directors for four years.

Duane shares about the national organization, the local organization and his own personal story about his son who was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia in 2002.  It’s a story about fighting for treatment and in light of the weekend events in Isla Vista, it is a timely story of how mental illness and that fight for treatment is a critical piece in the quest to answer some unanswerable questions.

To listen to the podcast, click the player below:

Thursday, May 22nd, 2014 – #BringBackOurGirls

Today the United States deployed 80 members of its armed forces to Chad to help in the search for the kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls.  Also today, a United Nations al Qaeda committee is expected to decide upoon Niger’s request to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist organization.  If approved, it will enable countries to impose arms embargoes, travel bans and asset freezes.

Please join Maria as she visits with a survivor of genocide in Rwanda about her take on the situation.  Louise Uwacu is her guest and she shares her perspective on the current situation as well as shares her personal experiences.

Click here for Louise’s website.#BringBackOurGirls #GoodNewsStation

Friday, April 4th, 2014 – Colony Collapse Disorder

The decline of the global bee population is estimated to be at about 50% in the last 50 years.  However, since 2006, the bee population is declining by 50% ANNUALLY and in some instances by 90%!


Please join Maria as she discusses what is referred to as the ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’ with Assistant Professor, Bryan Rasmussen of the faculty at California Lutheran University.


A day in the life of a bee is utterly fascinating.  Their conversation includes the life cycle of a bee, the Queen bee, the mating flight and other details.


There are also two events related to the topic if you live in Southern CA.


For more information Click here.

California to create the nation’s first statewide program . . .


Program Would Ease California Taxpayer Burdens by Asking Highly Profitable Drug Industry To Share Financial Responsibility

SACRAMENTO – A bill by State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) to create the nation’s first statewide program to dispose of leftover prescription and over-the-counter drugs passed out of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee today. The vote was 5-1.

The bill will be heard next in the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee on April 21.

A response to the growing problem of prescription drug abuse, accidental poisonings, and traces of pharmaceuticals found in drinking water, Senate Bill 1014 would require drug manufacturers to create, finance and manage a statewide system for collecting and safely disposing of unwanted prescription drugs that people have in their homes.

The bill is modeled after an Alameda County ordinance that was the first of its kind when it was implemented.

“Every year, billions of dollars in medications is prescribed in California, but as much as 40-50% of those drugs can end up unused,” said Jackson. “These unused drugs create enormous public health and environmental challenges. We need a better solution than putting them in the garbage or flushing them, where they can get into our water, or leaving them in our medicine cabinets, where they can be taken accidentally or be misused and abused.”

For the past 15 years in British Columbia, Canada, in a program paid for by the pharmaceutical industry, consumers have been able to conveniently dispose of unused drugs in bins located at pharmacies, where they are safely destroyed.

While some safe drug disposal sites do exist in California, there are only 300 to 400 such sites in the state to serve 38 million Californians. This patchwork of programs doesn’t meet public demand and are financed by local governments and ultimately, California taxpayers, Jackson said.

“While a number of local governments have admirably stepped up to establish their own drug take-back programs, it’s the taxpayers who end up footing the bill for this, with no assistance from the multi-billion dollar drug industry,” Jackson said. “We are hoping that the industry will join us in recognizing that we have a problem, and helping to share the responsibility for what happens to these unused medications. We need a more cost-effective, systemic and efficient approach, one that I believe will ultimate end up costing us less than the overall costs we’re paying now.”

The bill is sponsored by the California Product Stewardship Council, Clean Water Action, the California Alliance of Retired Americans, the City and County of San Francisco and Alameda County.

Alameda County was the first local government agency in the country to pass an ordinance requiring drug manufacturers to develop, implement and pay for a drug take-back program.

Three pharmaceutical associations responded by suing the county. The county prevailed in trial court and the case is now on appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Jackson represents the 19th Senate District, which includes all of Santa Barbara County and western Ventura County.

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014 – State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson

HomePlease join Maria on this morning’s press conference regarding State Senator Hannah-Beth Jacksons’ legislation, SB 1014.  The bill is to create the nation’s first statewide drug take-back program and it will be up for a vote and the subject of a special informational hearing tomorrow morning at 9:30am PDT

Hear the latest developments and listen to Alameda County Supervisor Nate Miley, who spearheaded the passage of the Alameda County ordinance on this issue and is presently in litigation.

Click here for State Senator’s website.