Author Archives: Maria Sanchez

I don’t care for outdoor cats!

I own a singloutdoor cate story home.  I have a vegetable garden.  I have neighbors who are outdoor cat owners.  I am the recipient of the outdoor cat antics and it makes me very unhappy.

Why does it matter, you might ask?  I’ll tell you why.  I have their markings on all of my sliding glass doors as well as the screens that go with them.  I always wondered how a spray of liquid would get on my outside windows.  I couldn’t understand where and how it got there until a friend of mine explained that it was a cat and its marking.

Marking MY territory, I might add!  MY home, not their home. 

And as for my vegetable garden, these same cats use it as their litter box.  They defecate in my organic vegetable garden.  Again, MY organic vegetable garden and there is their feces.

Adding insult to injury with these same nefarious neighborhood cats is the following story.  I fostered a kitty that had been rescued from an alley with 4 nursing babies that were 4 weeks old.   The mommy kitty stayed with a girlfriend while her litter continued to nurse.  They were then separated at 8 weeks and all 4 kitties were successfully adopted out.

The mommy kitty on the other hand was not so successful.  She was scrawny, engorged, and a sight for sore eyes.  I adopted her to help her regain her health, to give her a loving home while she recovered from the loss of her litter and the subsequent surgery to fix her.

She was my girl, even if just temporarily in my care, custody and control.  One evening I’m reading in my bedroom with my kitty in my lap and I suddenly hear this blood curdling scream – and I mean a scream, coming from my kitty.  Outside my bedroom sliding glass door was one of these rogue cats hissing at MY kitty in MY home!

My mommy kitty lost her bowels she was so frightened.  I chased that damn trespassing cat out of my yard and then had to deal with the fall out of the inadvertent bowel movement.

Mommy kitty has found a forever home and is safely ensconced in her new and luxurious lifestyle.  But today, as I was cleaning my outside patio, there are fresh markings.  Not only on the windows but also on my outdoor furniture and it won’t wash off!

I don’t approve of outdoor cats.  I don’t like being the object of their animal kingdom hierarchy. 

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 – Embrace Your Magnificence

                                               Please join Maria as she visits with best-selling author, mentor, international speaker and founder of a world-renowned business school that has helpFabienne Fredicksoned thousands of women to transform their lives.

Fabienne Fredrickson knows of adversity and challenges.  She takes feelings of “less than” and “not good enough” to living well and gaining a life of magnificence.

“Embrace Your Magnificence:  Get Out of Your Own Way and Live a Richer, Fuller, More Abundant Life” is the title of her recently published tome.

This began as a love letter to her daughter and has become Ms. Fredrickson’s message of courage and love to women everywhere that “you are a magnificent being, truly deserving of a rich and abundant life.”

She takes readers on a journey as she shares her own personal experiences of hard-earned lessons, realizations and transformations.  Even if the details are different, her story is our story.  The feelings and emotions she shares are universal. 

It is a course in self-esteem as much as it is a path to healing, forgiveness, self-love, faith and courage.  Each of the book’s 72 essays will inspire you to take action to create the life, the career, the family, the income, the legacy and the meaning you want in your life.  You’ll move beyond your past and grow from your experiences.  Through your own transformation, you will affect others around you in ways you may never fully understand.

Click here for her website.

Saturday, July 26th, 2014 – Editor-In-Chief, Jennifer McLaughlin

LA Travel MagazineIn 2008, an on line magazine was created, LA Travel Magazine.  A little over a year ago, in August 2013, a quarterly print issue was launched in conjunction with the on line experience.

Please join Maria as she visits with Jennifer McLaughlin, Editor-in-Chief.  Jennifer shares with Maria what goes into creating and executing a travel magazine.  The behind the scenes experiences of a luxury periodical.

Friday, August 1, 2014 is the unveiling of the next issue at a Summer Issue Launch Party at the W Hollywood, Sunset Blvd.  to which you are invited.  Details and RSVP on their Facebook page.

Click here for their website.

Live From Tel Aviv

Marc SchulmanReporting live from Tel Aviv, Marc Schulman, a political historian talks with Maria about his time with his family in Israel.  Marc has his Bachelors degree and his Masters degree from Columbia University.  His MA is in Political Science and his specialization was the Middle East.

Marc moved to Israel for the first time in 1975 and became an officer in the Israeli Air Force.  He has lived in Israel at different times for a total of twelve years.  He was considered a lone soldier – soldiers who are in Israel without parents.  When his then 18 year old daughter wanted to serve, the family moved to Israel with her so that she would not be a lone soldier as well.

Marc is fluent in Hebrew and he shares that the three main television stations in Tel Aviv are broadcasting all news, all the time from 6am to midnight, dropping all other programming.  That’s as if ABC, CBS, NBC television stations here in the United States would be broadcasting only news for eighteen hours a day, all day, every day!

The Israeli anti missile system has been 100% effective thus far.  He explains what the sound of a siren means to the residents and how they should proceed when they hear one.   As one might imagine, living in a metropolitan area and hearing a siren is akin to being in a war zone and having to seek shelter.  Thus Marc used to go to the beach regularly, but because there isn’t shelter there, he feels that it is unwise to visit and enjoy.  This has been the case for nearly 3 weeks.

Having lived in Israel on and off for the past 40 years, Marc shares what he sees, experiences and learns regarding what is happening in Israel and the Middle East.

Marc who voted for President Obama also opines about how he feels the President is doing with regards to this matter as well as Secretary of State John Kerry’s actions thus far.

A conversation you do not want to miss!

Click here to read Marc’s Newsweek articles.

Why does social media not conform?

grammarI have a pet peeve. Proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and the use of full

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words. Why do we think that social media permits short cuts? Who’s versus whose for example. I cringe when I see it improperly used. “C” instead of see. “R” instead of are. “U” instead of you.

What is the big deal of taking the extra split second to make it the full and proper word?

And then there is the ignorance, which I’m convinced is a by-product of laziness and inattention. You’re versus your. Its versus it’s. I suppose one could say that it doesn’t really matter as long as the message is being properly conveyed – you get the point, don’t you?

Well yes, I suppose I do. But it is like nails on a chalkboard (oh my gosh, I bet there is an entire generation that doesn’t know what that sounds like, I am indeed dating myself) for me to read something that is grammatically improper. And that is probably because of my Catholic school education.

“Voyages in English” was our text book in grade school. We had to diagram sentences. Do they teach that any longer? And there were frequent spelling bees. Not to mention penmanship. Cursive writing. The nuns insisted on strict adherence to it all. I shall speculate that their lessons were so well learned that I cannot distance myself from them in spite of the ease of short cuts, especially with social media.

“C U l8r” takes as much time as “see you later” but it must give the sender a huge thrill to work around the English language? I realized recently that I am a comedy snob. Nothing worse than being around people who find themselves so humorous and the truth is that their comedy is pedestrian.

Now it appears that I am an English language snob. Use it properly, wisely, concisely, and appropriately. Generations from now, will we be judged differently because we were lazy with our communication?